Saturday, October 16, 2010

October Nor'easter = Snow

Here in the Northeast, we're getting hit with a little Nor'easter. For those of us who live on the coast, that means rain and some decent wind. For those who like to call the Mt. Washington area home, it means snow. The summit of Mt. Washington is expected to get up to 9" of the white stuff this weekend. And since I like to slide on snow, we're going to focus on that today.

The KGB boys in Jackson Hole, WY have been working for the past 2 years on their next movie, Wyoming Triumph, which will be released via film tour next fall. Their impressive skills in front of and behind the lens, coupled with a backcountry focus is what drew us in. Armed with a few Tenshis and Mokis to keep them warm and sheltered on their overnights, they've been hitting areas like Togwotee Pass, Yellowstone National Park and The Gros Ventre Range. Check out this webisode and others on their YouTube channel.

Just bought my new boards, the Icelantic Oracle and I am getting ready for ski season. Let the dry land training begin!


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