Thursday, March 26, 2009

(RE)purposeful Design

These days, we’ve all been thinking here about how to do a little more with less. In some cases, ‘less’ doesn’t just mean less cost; it can also mean less raw materials, less waste, and less energy used. Our first major step in repurposing was the Ditto Tote Bag. Lately, we’ve been inspired by the furniture designs of Brazilian designer Zanini de Zanine Caldas, who uses both reclaimed and sustainable materials in constructing his very awesome/coveted furniture.

A favorite of mine is the surf bench/table made from the leftovers of surfboard manufacturers. Next time you break a board, remember to save it and make your very own bench/stool. Check out more of his designs at 2Z Moveis or the original post on Treehugger.

In the past month or so, we’ve been working on some new bag designs, made from repurposed Hypno PQs. The design isn’t finalized yet, but we've taken a lot of feedback we received about the original Ditto bag into account. Here’s a sneak peak at what’s on tap!


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