Wednesday, January 6, 2010


If you are familiar with our tent line, you may have thought the model names to be a bunch of nonsensical words and letters. Here's a little insight into where these names come from:

Rule #1: All AirSupported tents end in the letter "O", all aluminum poled tents - "I", trekking pole supported tents - "A". As we expand our support technologies, you can bet we'll use more vowels.

Rule #2: Tent names often have a definition that means something in another language. For instance the word "Tenshi" (our flagship mountaineering tent meant for snowy conditions) means "Angel" in Japanese.

Rule #3: Sometimes the name is a made up word drawing from a tent descriptor. For instance, Morpho was named for the fact that with two clicks of side release buckles on the ExoFly, it can morph from an extremely spacious 2 person tent to a 2 person tent with a large vestibule.

Rule #4: The acronyms following the tent names differentiate tents from similar models like Gogo, Gogo LE (Long Edition), Gogo EX (Extreme). Or describe the intended occupancy like Losi 2P (2 Person) and Losi 3P (3 Person).


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