Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Antarctica Ozone Hole Watch

Right now, I'm doing some research on Arctic climates for material development (more on that to come). I found this great NASA site on the ozone hole over Antarctica (FYI, ozone is a colorless gas which absorbs UV-B rays from the sun, and thus protects the environment below).

Today's (9/28/2010) ozone hole... looking a little bare folks!

Usually, NASA sites can be too dense with information/graphs/tables/etc, but this is a really clean site with Tufte-esque infographics, daily updated pics of the ozone hole, and animation over months/years. There's also a nice explanation of how the units they use to measure the amount of ozone (dobson unit).

In the Arctic, spring occurs roughly from Sept-Dec, so the ozone hole gets quite a bit larger during this time (meaning that the ozone concentration gets smaller).


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