Saturday, March 6, 2010

Asymbol Gallery, from your chair

Via Core77, we spotted this creative collective/online gallery/print-offering company called Asymbol .

The brainchild of snowboarder Travis Rice and artist Mike Parillo, their intent is to pay tribute to the creative souls that inspire and captivate us:
We come from cultures fueled by passions: passion for expression, passion for innovation, passion for adventure, and passion for good times. Over the years, a number of talented, creative individuals have both contributed to and documented these passions. From the graphics decorating the bottoms of our favorite boards to the photos we've stared at for hours in our favorite magazines, it's the image makers who have given shape and substance to our stories. They have used paintbrushes to show us what our worlds look like on the other side of the Looking Glass and have focused their lenses on points beyond action and sport to capture the feeling of awe that can exist in a single moment in time.

With works spanning stunning black and white photography, surreal painted landscapes, trippy pop art, and an awesome 'feels-like-you're-in-gallery' vibe to the website, we'll be sure to frequently stop in.


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