Friday, June 17, 2011

Office Construction, Part 1 of Infinity

We're in the beginning stages of an office move up the coast. Instead of the Band-Aid method of moving (fast and painful, but ultimately short lived), we're doing the slow painful easing-into-the-space method of moving. There's a method to the madness though.

We're interested in the long haul, not the short term future, and making a workspace that is distinctly "NEMO" isn't a one week (or even a one month or one year) job. In fact, it took us 9 years to gradually transform our current space in Nashua from this

to THIS.

In other words, you can't force it. Our new space is in Seacoast, NH which ultimately puts us closer to the mountains and waves, and cuts down on a lot of our commutes. The space is 3x bigger, and will allow us the space to grow in many ways. In the meantime, we have a monumental task list planned, but are buoyed by the knowing/embracing that the journey is the reward (though, ask us in a month when we are in Hour 238 of painting, and we may have a different answer).

We'll all be giving updates along the way, but one of the first things to get built is a photo studio that is double the size of our current one. Forgive the low quality pictures, but here are a couple quick shots of Bill framing out the floor.


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